FABULOUS collection of life quotes. MILLIONS of quotations to choose from. EXTRAORDINARY motivational quotes that cover every sphere.

Tons of categories to choose from. Suitable for every generation and gender. All quotes are good for universal reading and sharing pleasure.

Vast collection of unimaginable quantities with exceptional and unique content. Most popular life quotes and sayings collected from different sources and presented in a sure to love manner.

Exceptional work of compiling all age old sayings and quotations and presenting them under one roof with a pleasurable ambience and artistic representation.

Amazing site this that provides such high degree of quality content without charging any fees and the combinations of colors are mind boggling.

Superb atmosphere of positivity and purpose that makes the heart delight and urges one to come back for more and more of this scintillating stuff.

The quotations are very inspirational and the presentation makes one feel very positive throughout the time spent on this platform.

All the quotations on motivation are appreciable and the inspiration that is received by reading from the legends is one to be experienced to build a positive mind.

Wonderful work of sorting out the right kind of stuff otherwise one has to peruse through tons of stuff to get the right kind of phrases. Very valuable sayings and words one will remember for a long time to come.

quotes about life

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life quotes

Mahatma Gandhi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The Power Of Life Quotes

Martin Roberts: The human mind is fashioned in such a manner by the creator that every word that is heard or read has a remarkable influence on the person.

Barbara Lopes: The influence of wisdom can be positive or it can be negative. All depends on the content of the speech.

Jason Abraham: The life quotes have a particular role to play in the formation of the personality.

Amanda Johnson: Everything that enters the mind has a reactive action within a person and the effects will linger for an awfully long time.

The life quotes are meant to attend to mind issues and this is the best place to lay your hands on the exceptional collection of quotations of such kind.

life quotes

Albert Einstein: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Quotes About Life From The Greats

Shania Whiskers: The quotes about life spoken or written by numerous people have been recorded down the centuries but all do not bear the same depth.

Johan Lampard: There have been personalities who have lived a life worth emulating and their wisdom is far superior to the majority in the category.

Leonel Winfrey: Men and Women of great renown have left behind a vast deposit of quotes about life that helps to build the personality of every person who has had the opportunity to get access to them.

Editor: Many of these quotations have inspired people down the ages and continue to do till date in an enormous fashion. You will find for yourself after perusing some of the fabulous content we have in this section.

motivational quotes

Oscar Wilde: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

Oscar Wilde: We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.

Motivational Quotes Make A Difference

Janet Layman: The power of motivational quotes should be imparted from a very young age.

Peter Thomas: Those who are exposed to good quality wise sayings for a long time will unconsciously be influenced by the content and the message of such wordings.

Jaikishan Parekh: Normally people do not grasp the great effect the wise sayings can have on various types of minds.

Rhea Lincoln: Study of extensive research has shown that those who are regularly exposed to motivational quotes tend to have a very positive mind set.

Editor: Inculcate the habit of reading motivational quotes in your siblings. These minds will not easily give up when things become difficult in life but are sure to fight it out as long as it takes.

quotes about life

Jesus Christ: In everything do to others as you would have them to do to you.

Short Positive Quotes About Life

Amalie Ginger: The kind of environment we live in does matter. Every situation has an influence on our person.

Katie Herdsman: Hearing short positive quotes about life again and again does built in a positive attitude in individuals.

Nelson Gilford: The quantum of the influence of positive quotations is unimaginable and only those who have studied the matter can understand.

Editor: It is a good practice and in fact a necessary way of life to listen to wise people or at least read what the renown women and men of ester years have left behind. It may be difficult to trust the sayings of present day individuals but the worth of those gone by can be fairly assessed.

quotes about life

Jesus Christ: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Short Inspirational Quotes About Life

Pontus Pluto: The present generation is in great need of some good direction and short inspirational quotes about life do play a major role in the character formation of individuals.

Irene Carlson: Reading what the wise folks of the preceding eras have left behind does a world of good to channelize the mind in the right directions.

Editor: Here you will find a plethora of short inspirational quotes about life in numerous categories that will provide easy access to reading some of the wisest messages on character formation. A sharing of positive content on social circles can be life changing to someone we might not even know well.

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